Forms of childcare in Germany

Crèche: Children under the age of 3 are cared for in a crèche. Crèches are often located in the building of a daycare center. In this way, siblings can also be cared for in the same place.

Kindergarten (short: Kita): In a daycare center, children between the ages of 3 and 6 are cared for and supported. There are also mixed-age groups in which children from 0 to 6 years of age are cared for together. Kitas have a mission to educate, educate and care for them. This means that the social, emotional, physical and mental development of the child is supported comprehensively and individually. The pedagogical staff also work closely with the families.

Child day care: Children under the age of three in particular are cared for in small groups by qualified persons, so-called childminders. This enables individual support. Often, the care takes place in the home of the childminder.

After-school care: In an after-school care centre, schoolchildren between the ages of 6 and 14 are cared for before and/or after school. After-school care is often also available during the school holidays.

Entitlement to childcare

In Germany, all children from the age of one have a legal right to education, upbringing and care in a daycare centre or in day care.

Requirements for admission to a care facility

Before admission to daycare or day care, a doctor must certify that the child is free of contagious diseases. In Germany, there is the Measles Protection Act. Accordingly, every child in daycare and daycare must either have safely gone through the disease or provide proof of appropriate vaccination protection. This also applies to newly admitted children over the age of one year. Younger children who are not yet fully vaccinated against measles may be admitted. However, you must receive and prove that you have been vaccinated as soon as possible.

Why should my child attend a daycare center?

The daycare centre helps your child to quickly find their way around the new situation, to process what they have experienced and to learn the German language. In the daycare center, they can play with other children and make new friends. It is encouraged in its development and learns to discover the world in a playful way. Childcare in a daycare centre helps parents to reconcile work and family life or to attend an integration or language course. In the daycare center, parents also get to know other mothers and fathers and can exchange ideas with pedagogical professionals on education and upbringing issues.

Working with families

Parents are involved in the day-to-day life of the day-care centre. In short conversations with the specialists, you can find out, for example, what your child experienced at the daycare center. There are also parent-teacher meetings where professionals and parents exchange information on the child’s development. Parents’ evenings are also held. At festivals, excursions and projects, parents are often asked for support.

Other childcare options

There are other childcare options. For example, if you attend an integration course, there is sometimes the possibility of having your child looked after during this time. Even in multi-generational houses or family centres, children can sometimes be cared for for short periods of time.